Make flags, giant flowers and insect costumes at a free all-ages parade-making workshop. Then come back for the Porous Borders Festival May 16 and 17 and join Shoshanna Utchenik and friends and neighbors for the Porous Borders Festival Parade in Hamtramck. No experience necessary! Materials will be provided.
“The Porous Borders Festival (PBF) is a two-day public art festival that will take place along the entire border between Hamtramck and Detroit in May 16-17, 2015. Curated by The Hinterlands, PBF will use installation, performance, spectacle, and public engagement to explore the unique municipal boundary cutting across Michigan’s most internationally diverse zip-code. Visitors and residents alike will viscerally experience this invisible marker between Detroit and Hamtramck through a celebration of the unique spatial and cultural interactions between these two communities.” – The Hinterlands
Update: Thanks to everyone who came. Here are pictures from the workshop.