A SciFi film that remained a fiction…kind of: Guattai’s Infra-Quark Universe



Thursday, October 29 at 8pm at Trinosophes


With the generous support of Terminal Beach, various freeschoolers will be hosting screenings of In Search of UIQ.  A film that traces the development, abandonment, and machinic remnants of Felix Guattari’s unproduced SciFi screenplay Un Amor d’UIQ. Developed after publishing his seminal solo work The Machinic Unconscious, and the second volume of his collaboration with Gilles Deleuze A Thousand Plateaus, Guattari set out to produce his scifi screenplay wherein a “biologist makes contact with an infinitely small alien intelligence known as the Infra-quark Universe (UIQ), which proceeds to disrupt global communications systems. Aided by members of a squat, the biologist sets up an interface with UIQ who soon falls in love with a young punk called Janice, but is separated from her when government forces destroy the squat. UIQ retaliates by turning millions of humans into mutants, only agreeing to stop if Janice undergoes an implant operation to merge her brain with its consciousness.” Ultimately the project was abandoned to the archives only to be opened and partially rendered or reconstructed by a specter and two schizoconscious filmmakers. “In Search of UIQ explores what Guattari’s cinema of the Infra-quark might have been (and may still become) in relation to his thought and clinical practice, and considers its implications in terms of the wider social and political transformations both of its own time and of the present moment.”