Reading: Tyrone Williams & Lynn Crawford

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Date(s) - Wednesday, 07/10/2019
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Klinger Studios


Hamtramck Free School & Klinger Studios hosts a reading by Tyrone Williams & Lynn Crawford.

Fiction and arts writer Lynn Crawford is a founding board member of Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit (MOCAD), a 2010 Kresge Literary Arts Fellow, and a 2016 Rauschenberg Writing Fellow. Her work appears in various anthologies (Oulipo Compendium, Fetish, Brooklyn Rail, Fence) and journals (Art in America, Infinite Mile, Detroit Research, Hyperallergic, Tema, Celeste, McSweeney’s, Lilies and Cannonballs, Parkett, Bookforum, Metro Times). Most recently she contributed a story, “TNW and Me” to The-N-Word, a monograph on African-American painter Peter Williams, and an essay to Detroit, The Dream is now, a collection of photographs of art food and design by Michael Arnaud (Abrams Books). Her books include, Solow, Blow, Fortification Resort, a series of art-related sestinas, Simply Separate People, Simply Separate People, Two and Shankus & Kitto: A Saga. Her newest novel, Paula Regossy, is forthcoming spring 2019 from Trinosophes, Detroit. Lynn earned a MSW from New York University and has worked in various psychiatric, community, hospital, museum and school settings. She lives with her family north of Detroit.

Tyrone Williams teaches literature and theory at Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is the author of several chapbooks and five books of poetry: c.c., On Spec, The Hero Project of the Century, Adventures of Pi, Howell and As Iz. A limited-edition art project, Trump l’oeil, was published by Hostile Books in 2017. He and Jeanne Heuving edited the anthology, Inciting Poetics (2019). For more:

Doors at 6:30pm
Reading at 7:30pm