Date(s) - Saturday, 02/28/2015
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Detroit Institute of Arts
For images from this event, click here. To see the filmed event, click here.
The Writer’s Block @ the DIA
Join HFS, family members and friends of incarcerated artists
SATURDAY, February 28th 1-3pm
In the DIEGO RIVERA COURT 2nd level of the DIA
Free and open to the public
The Writer’s Block is a poetry workshop at Macomb Correctional Facility (more background @HFS). HFS facilitators and incarcerated artists have been collaborating over the last few years to compile various works of art to present to the public. With the support of the DIA this collaboration will come to fruition with an afternoon of poetry read by friends and family of Writer’s Block Poets. On display will be audio recordings, Writer’s Block publications and various works of art created by Writer’s Block artists and other incarcerated people over the last two years.